Life path and clarity coaching is an effective tool for breaking the patterns that hold you back, for finding solutions to the problems that plague you, and for guiding you to the answers you already know.

You know, within yourself, what is best for you. We create the space for your own wisdom to come through. Whether a single, one-hour session or as an on-going process, I help you find your clarity.

I bring over 20 years of analytical problem-solving experience. I serve as an interactive sounding board by asking the vital questions that need to be asked as we journey into your truth.

As an energy intuitive, I help you hear your own inner voice. I listen with you as your Being delivers the messages. I will help you navigate past your own perceived obstacles toward the clarity that rests beyond. I hold the light as you find your way.

If you bring a willingness to be honest with yourself, together we will find the answers to YOUR questions.

The work done is held in strictest confidence and is done in an environment of safety and respect.

With your help and using the roadmap which you provide, I will guide you toward knowingly creating your life path.

Sessions available by appointment.

Lucid Healing. When you’re ready for clarity.

Journey with ease and grace!

Let’s Get Started!


"Nancy is able to lift the parts of a person out and away for examination while never doing harm, as if guided by some form of Hippocratic Oath. Using logic, common sense, and energy intuition, she divines the knotty parts of a problem and illuminates the darkness with her wisdom. Neither does she shrink from asking the difficult questions. I have tremendous admiration, respect, and love for her. My life has been permanently changed for the better having known her and met her."

--Andy, in Minnesota

"I was struggling for balance between a full-time job, pursuing a masters degree, and raising teenagers--juggling. Working with Nancy helped me find peace and serenity, mindfulness. Perhaps best of all, Nancy helped me discover creative tools that have improved my relationship with my teenage son. I have a new, purposeful way of relating to him. I feel like I'm caring for and nurturing his Soul in a very effective way that he no longer feels is intrusive."

--Priscilla, LCSW/School Administrator

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