About My Work

I call my work Lucid Healing. Designed specifically to enhance your clarity of mind and energy, it is a unique blend of energy work that promotes your highest health and well-being. My name is Nancy Stenn and I am an Energy Intuitive and Healing Facilitator. I began this work with Reiki (universal life force energy, healing work) more than a decade ago. In 2005, I was attuned as a Master of a newly channeled system of Reiki: Angelic Reiki.

Because Reiki can do no harm, this work only promotes healing and is for the Highest Good. Nothing I do is done without your full consent.

Angelic Reiki blew the door wide open for my Insight work. Shortly after my attunement, I was working on a fellow Reiki master. At the end of the session, she remarked that one of her guides told her she had an aura expert working on her. I said, “Cool! Who was it, and what do they look like?”

Her response was: “It’s YOU!” She showed me a hand gesture and asked me what it meant. I then heard these words coming from my mouth: “That gesture is used to collect the ‘dust bunnies’ from an aura.”

Her guide told her that this exchange was the key to unlocking my access to “ancient aura knowledge/wisdom” that I had had all along.

Since then, I’ve developed and nurtured my intuitive awareness through training, study and practice. I opened my mind and my natural intuitive abilities began to blossom. I see images and colors in energy fields. While most of my work is with people, I also clear energies in houses and offices. Once I detect the imbalances, I help you shift and release, restoring clarity and balance.

As an intuitive empath, I perceive your emotional, intellectual, energetic and auric fields to uncover blocks or challenges. Through a collaborative process, we sort through and clear any energetic roadblocks, creating the necessary space for your movement and growth. The energetic and subconscious releases allow for shifts to occur in ways that work best for you.

This new clarity of mind and energy helps you move forward in your life: consciously and subconsciously, energetically, and often emotionally and physically.

People often ask me how I know the things I do, the intuitive impressions that I get. My answer is that when I listen to my unimpeded intuition, it speaks TRUTH. With compassion, open heart and often humor, I explore that truth with you.

Clients often tell me they feel more connected, in closer contact with their soul after sessions. I share my intuitive impressions and insights with you. I repeat the messages I hear. I help you hear what your soul wants your consciousness to know in the NOW. You decide what it means and what you choose to do about it.

The work is done in a safe, respectful environment that encourages you to discern and speak your Truth, and always to do so from a place of highest respect and integrity. I am honored to do this work. I treat it as confidential.

Lucid Healing is equally effective in-person, in phone sessions and at a distance. I currently work from St. Louis, Missouri and Austin, Texas. From these locations, I am working (or have worked) with clients in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon, and Virginia, as well as in Canada, France and the United Kingdom.

I am happy to travel. While you bear my travel expenses, I do not charge for my travel time. Please contact me if you would like to arrange a local session.

Please consult trained and licensed professionals for medical and therapeutic diagnosis and treatment. I am neither massage therapist nor psychotherapist. I have no medical training. The perceptions I provide are for informational purposes only.

I offer what I have with respect, gratitude, and healing intent.

Experience your Lucid Healing. Journey into your Being with ease … and grace!

Sessions available by appointment.

I’m ready…


"Nancy is an amazing person. I've always been a skeptic. If it couldn't be reproduced in a laboratory, it didn't have any validity, I believed. Then I met Nancy and she amazed me with the depth of her insight, some of which could not be explained without extra-sensory information. She helped me through some very difficult times, for which I am extremely grateful. I highly recommend her."

--Daniel, in Virginia

"Nancy is a wonderful and light filled healer with a grasp of the interconnection between the spiritual, the physical, and all things in between. The binding element to her work is her compassionate caring and true love and passion for her calling in life. I have personally received healing work from Nancy. Deep, effective and enlightening care that has supported my greater well being. Her insights, sharp intuition and loving presence are a gift to humanity and a herald of the calling we should all heed.

--Scott K Smith

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